Thursday, May 12, 2016

Type my essay online 80's radio stations

That is scary stuff; I do not think I would want to mess with these guys or their God or prophet of whom they speak, whom Satan apposes as well as he apposes Israel. Why don't people complain about Houses of The holy (which I'm listening to right now) which says Satan forwards in the lyrics. There's a feeling I get when I look to the West.." is America. Dundalk. Maybe not hidden. The higher- ups made big money, the band gets better known and the fans have something to talk about in later years to come. Supporting this theory is the fact that Jimmy Page bought Aleister Crowley's house in Scotland, which had become a well known Satanic church and was known as "The Toolhouse." In his books, Crowley advocated that his followers learn to read and speak backwards. The chorus and several verses could be about materialism in our present culture. I mean why would they write a song thats so beutifully written and played with a satanic message tied to it somehow. The "lyric editing" some of you are talking about was done in the studio to complete the message. He was just interested in that stuff though. At one point the police burst into the studio after someone called saying that the DJ must have had a heart attack as the music had kept on repeating. I have no respect for a man who hides behind a organization of cowards. I've even sang it with my God-awful voice, still NOTHING, came back, this song is about LotR without a doubt in my mind about "The Lady of the Forest" Galadriel. There are a lot of songs that give some sort of messages when played backwards; like Britney Spears ' Hit me baby one more time, John Lennon ' Imagine, Eminem ' My name is', Queen ' Another one bites the dust, Etc. E..people usually only get really defensive if there is some truth to the accusation. Do backward messages effect you even though you can't hear it? Led Zeppelin still rules!!!!! For all of you people saying that the Led Zeppelin members weren't satanic, stop saying things. First I want to make it clear.. The idea of backwards lyrics is extremely interesting and I plan on trying to find the technique for doing it. Stairway To Heaven is the #1 song.. If you think this has secret meanings.. Next stop: Happiness. Listen to frontwards, the way your supposed to. Write my paper me cheap orlando hotels Rodrigo y Gabriela". I put communication breakdown there because I have had people make me feel like dirt and it felt sorta like an anthem for people like me to rise above. And it also ties in with the flute playing at the begining of the song. Wow it never ends... RAMBLE TAMBLE from CCR, releases in 1970. Robert Plant himself once said that he and Jimmy Page seemed to just be "channles" for music. Plant according to this understanding of 'stairway to heaven' is trying to say that its never too late to change the road your on and take the stairway to heaven. It surprises me on how uninformed most people are and try to persuade without any evidence, i mean, anyone get actual facts about the group? They too were repelled by certain Zepplin's lyrics. Get a life!!! Like, what about English-speaking military radio for the troops in Europe? People are actually thinking for themselves, and feeling empowered by much of the music of the time, which of course to many conservatives is rebellious, disrespectful and down-right dangerous. Our shadows taller than our soul. The live song remains the same version is kick ass, but you guys should also check the one at earls court on the zep dvd. This is easy. Whose power is faith. Internet Radio and Free Music News 80's Hits. 90's Hits. Adult Hits. Alternative. Comedy. Country. Hop/RNB. Jazz Before the Online Radio Stations; Smooth Jazz If you are a teacher searching for educational material, please visit PBS LearningMedia for a wide range of free digital resources spanning preschool through 12th grade. Jean from Paris: You made a HUGE mistake in insulting one of the influential bands ever in Zeppelin and the greatest rock ballad evr in Stairway. Personally, I voted for Freebird, but they are both wonderful choices.. This and Free Bird are the two greatest songs ever written. God gave you free will. People who believe there is are deluded. Some anti-zeppelin loser in the 70s heard 1 or 2 words and build a "satanic message" around it. I completely agree with Sarah From San Fran. And now he has separated himself from all that stuff. Goodness, they did it to Weird Al! That's the beauty of it, isn't it? The fact that at that time, Crowley's backward discovery was well known to Pagey, who we all know was literally a young man swimming, proficiently i might add, in a great sea of dark forces. My record player had no way of playing records backward. It is know a typical christian phrase "there is only one way to haven and it nos a stairway" the woman of the song is taking the wrong way to what she sees as heaven, a stairway to heaven(drugs), it can be also be seen as the easy way to a false haven. He?ll give those with him 666. For 'Stairway' completists: Check out the uniquely odd musical juxtaposition "Stairway to Gilligan's Island" by Little Roger & the Goosebumps. Also, the backmasking was done on purpose. Thomas - Pittsburgh, Pa That's your opinion" would be another way to say it Jeanette. That'll get your panties in a wad. For me, satan never even comes into it. The one who's little path will make me sad, who's power is satan. LOL what i get out of the song is anything but that it's a song about a lady that thinks she can buy anything even a stairway to heaven and there trying to tell her she is on the wroung road and it's not to late to change that road and there trying to guyed her to the right road befor it's to late Shadowman! The all-time great adaptation of Stairway was the one that applied the lyrics of Gilligan's Island to it. Matter of fact, people who say it is satanic are Satanic themselves. You know the old saying, "you only hear what you want to hear." This is why, with all the ambiguity in the lyrics, you can have one group of christians say the song is satanic and another say its an evangelical song. ME" can only perceive existence from a you vs. You have Pan, a flute playing GOATMAN. Otherwise it wouldn't be called CLASSIC ROCK. Pay someone write my paper cheap limo rentals So, tread as much as you can, body, mind and soul. If Stairway to Heaven was recorded now days, no one would now about this 'messages' because you can't play cd's backwards, in fact, since they started making cds in the 80's nobody found new 'messages' in rock songs. All I know is that song is so good, that I have NEVER gotten tired of it in all my years! There's a lady who's sure all that glitters is gold. Plant first thought they hated it and made a comment about leaving it off the album. Satanic and LOTR messages aside, if you listen to the How the West Was Won version of Stairway, when Plant sings "and the voices of those who stand looking" he follows the lyric with an address to the audience of "that's you" which leads me to believe that the entire verse about "looking to the west", though deffinitely a LOTR refference, may also be a metaphor for going on tour. My sister listened to it backwards, and she said the message was extremely blurred. Its all just random garbage that sometimes sounds like something. It's called Stairway to Heaven, lol, and its amazing. Druid priest, hundreds of years ago. CONGRADULATIONS, you have the IQ of a rock, Plant admitted to working LotR into his songs. If Led Zeppelin doesn't worship satan, it must be a joke. Moral of the story: There = Satan! Write my english paper for me jeans group

First of all.. Nothing satanic there. If there's a bustle in your hedgerow, don't be alarmed now. When she gets there she knows-If the stores are all closed-With a word she can get what she came for. Robert Plant, Jimmy Page and Led Zeppelin. Lastly, I worship Led Zeppelin. Backmasking is an easy recording technique that has been experimented with since the 50's. We will find him in the most subtle of places. If you want to hear the backwards more clearly, you have to lower the pitch or tempo as well as reversing it. Jesus put her in her place in the gospels which let her know she was only the mother of his flesh, not spirit. The piper's calling you to join him, (i.e. Page clearly was into black magic, crowley, creepy thing, ect. Oddly enough, my friends all assosiate me with this song because I did it three times for talent shows. This song is one of my favorites. I then performed the same operation, clipped that part of the song out and reversed it. Work for building the new world order, the old world order will be crushed by it's own weight. But still you can get the jist. It's the same thing, just differing in which track is flipped. Guys, you need to learn the difference between "subliminal messaging" and "secret messaging". If you have a recorder at home, say the lyrics, then reverse. Then, he over dosed 11/6/2005(23yrs). To be a rock and not to roll. Actually according to Christian demonology there are loads and loads of demon or devil references in Stairway to Heaven. Write my economics paper denim and cloth It seems you all know some things about song than I do. Jon from London, the guy that said there was a secret message OWNED a copy of Stairway to Heaven and a live Zeppelin tour album. We all know that the people who say that they played it backwards didn't really play it. This album has been supported through some research, titled "and IV to go"..and for crying out loud, when you listen, you know it's them. I've just spent about an hour reading all the posts here and I just wanna tie up a few salient points. Recently Emily White, an intern at NPR All Songs Considered and GM of what appears to be her college radio station, wrote a post on the NPR blog in which she The only ones that seem to actually contain backwards messages are "Rain" by the Beatles and "Empty Spaces" by Pink Floyd. I'm suprised people are dumb enough to believe this crap.. Just listen honestly, it's pretty blatant. I assume the washer and drier were suposed to make his clothes 'spring clean', resulting in the line 'It's just a spring clean for May queen'. If you cut out the background noise and reduce the static, and of course; listen with devotion, (I used headphones for optimal perception..but it did freak me out) you will hear definite phrases. The one whose little path would make me sad, whose power is satan. Naively believing one has 'found what they're looking for'. After reading through the bazillion threads pertaining to STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN, maybe it was 'Sweet Satan's' influence, I'm not sure'I was compelled (maybe possessed) to add my very open-ended, meditative, thought provoking, sarcastic, modest view. The backward lyrics are about being in love with an underage (16 yeard old) girl, and wishing she was 18. Learn what the terms mean that you people fling around so confidently, before you misinform, and make yourselves look like complete morons in the process. Pnik Foyld bineng the bset) And if you cnaont raed tihs tehn you cleraly are not a led zpepeiln fan. Our minister mentioned "Stairway to Heaven" in a sermon about Jacob's Ladder during which I started thinking about the lyrics. May I say.. Even though I'm only eighteen, I've had many experiences. I'm sure plenty of people have noticed this, but I seldom see Lord of the Rings referenced when it comes to this song. Ask her why Monet's Lillies at the L'orangerie, down the promenade of dead-winter's gardens from the Louvre, meant as much to her. Take Hey There, Delilah. Two words: Zeppelin rule! Although sometimes i am confused because this song i think can be taken two ways. Those humans even don't have to believe or worship Satan as deity, they would only have to let themselves be inspired by some powerful force. We have thought it means: suicide, dying, drugs, sex, a 3 stage life or they were just really stoned. Personally, I can not stand this song. And with no STH single, it took about nine months for the hard partying rock & rollers to stay awake all the way through the album and get to know Stairway To Heaven. So damnit, will everyone stop with the immature insults?! Dude, you need to get into a rehab program. Why wouldn't they have satanic messages in other songs? If theres a butsle in ur hedgerow, dont be alarmed now, its just a spring clean for the may queen, yes there are 2 pathst u can go on, but in the long rung, theres still time to change the road ur on." WHICH BACKWARDS IS "Oh heres to my sweet satan, the 1 who little path would make me sad whose power is satan, We would promise him 666, there was a little toolshed where he made us suffer sad satan" WELL, that is no lie. You can hear many clear examples of this with audible words coming forth whilst played backwards. Listening to this song forward, the way it was meant to be played. Plus, if people don't know what to listen for, they'll probably hear nonsense I haven't listened to it backwards, but I highly doubt that there are satanic messages. This song was recorded on three different guitars 1. If you want to hear someone play the guitar check out Tommy Emmanuel. To James from Edwardsville, IL: I agree with you for the most part, but it does work sometimes. Again, I have no religious agenda, I do not believe in satan. There is a straight and narrow path to heaven, there is a long and winding road to hell. Anyway were supposed to be talking about Zeppelin. You can't buy it, you can't borrow. People are so quick to attach nefarious intentions to backwards messages in recordings, but you only hear about the wildly blown-out-of-proportion Satan crap. Although this is probably said (I'm too lazy to read through all of these posts) Stairway to Heaven didn't have an offical meaning (it was just written, or is so said to be). Social issue. Its an awesome song but i dont think it represents the Led zeppelin greatness.. What a crock of shit this is. The hip hop industry is in cahoots with the private prison indsutry to maintain black prisoner rates?? WOW. It's more like leftist He reversed it and we listened. This whole song is about Bron-Yr-Aur. Has a week ever gone by without this song being displayed in the top ten? This verse could refer to a girl's first period. You guys will never ever beleive this! Buy an essay cheap used laptops for sale

Type my essay online 80's radio stations

Backward masking lyrics in a song is ALWAYS done by a satanic band trying to sing the praises of Satan. To her I ask. It expressed an ineffable yearning for spiritual transformation deep in the hearts of the generation for which it was intended. It could be about a lot of other things though too. Is it pro-Satan? So compare: Jacobs Ladder in the bible, or satanic messages.. That's what i really honestly thing that stairway to heven is about. OF COURSE IT DOES! He'd just gotten ripped off by a bunch of people, so he figured he'd give them what they deserved. I don't know the titlek, but it comes at the end of the song and is repeated several times. I experimented with many records and found that the messages really are there in this song, and many other songs including Beatles Revolution #9, and Revelation #9 by Marilyn Manson. In America we are most familiar with the Bible which speaks about the "word" of God. I recorded my friend and I talking for eight minutes, then reversed it. Want further proof? Iraq is the country with the spoiling rivers and will most likely be split into three. Among the many amusing things she said, she also said this: "I've never even HEARD the word "Hedgerow" used, much less with a "bustle"!" And she used that, along with the curious pronunciation of Plant's words as an arument that he was trying to form the backward message by adjusting the pronouncement, accent, tibmre, etc. I think that this was one of the greatset songs ever. John Paul is just learning.. I believe tht Pagey was very involved with the occult and a huge alister crowley fan but im not too sure that the song was given to them by satan or even inspired by him. That's between Led Zep and God. I just think secrets are interesting, ZEP LIVES ON!!! Pay someone write my paper cheap 70's costumes Just as an aside, Robert Plant's reaction to Heart playing "Stairway To Heaven" at the Kennedy Center, in the band's honor, was probably more of discomfort and pain. It is a quite common misconception that Crowley was a satanist, when he was nothing of the sort. The raw, untamed emotion being let out and knowing he will never ever play again.. They were going to set a trend in music and they did. Which leads me to beleave that this was Jimmy's baby many years before Plant had the voice and the lyrics for it. The beatles death rumors started all of this. Even if it were there (highly unlikely) then it is saying that Satan makes you suffer. She has glorified herself so much that she thinks she can buy her way into heaven with her wealth. This is me and my boyfriends song! Don't disrespect and throw away their hard work and dedication. Dazed and Confused? Um.. I could go on and on about this song.. The woman Plant sings about could be an actual person, trying to buy her way into heaven (whatever your interpretation of heaven is) or she could be a metaphor. Okay Leo. Thanks for sharing. And she was trying to buy herself into heaven. He'll (Satan not the child) will give to those with him six, six, six. He was the one who wrote the lyrics, not Page. The path to heaven or hell. I was able to distinguish messages throughout the entire song, not just places. Personally I like Heartbreaker, the Ocean, Royal Orleans or Misty Moutain Hop the most. Other people (yes there are quite a few) people think that Plant was making a statement of how satan and evil provide temptation (the pipers calling you to join him etc [possibly the piper from stories leading rats to their death is allegorical])to the human race. They are a collective group of chosen people whom have the same experiences, desires, pursuits, and preferences. The best version of this classic can be found on the live album The Song Remains the Same, mostly for the wonderfully impromptu, and imortal question from Robert Plant, "DOES ANYBODY REMEMBER LAUGHTER?" following the line 'the forests will echo with laughter'. Alister Crowly was a lot of things, a chess master, mountain climber, sexual revolutionist, pagan (including Hermetic, Eqyptian [Thelmic] and combined with Buddism, Tantra, Freemasonry and Yoga to name a few), drug addict (heroin prescribe for his asthma and bronchitis) but he was NEVER a satanist. I suggest a nice hit of acid and then see what you think.. I dont think its all that deep lyrically. If people want to ruin a great song, by playing it backwards then thats their fault, but if people wanna listen to a great song, just listen to stairway to heaven the right way. Although several other Zeppelin songs draw their inspiration more directly from Lord of the Rings, I believe there is at least one line in Stairway that draws from that work. If you are alone and untraveled in your back-masking treck, what you DO find will lack the Hope of the, "two paths you can go by.. She thinks it will buy her a stairway to heaven. Leo, it saddens me to read your description of the song. Old man at the top of the ledge above a town? Another thing: And this one makes me both furious and a little ashamed to be an American. This is #30 in Rolling Stone's list of 500 greatest songs. Nobody would know that if not heard the words first! In lore the willow growing on a riverbank with its cascading leaves falling over the water is a familiar one, evoking the concept of life, death and rebirth. After throwing out all of our Zeppelin Lp's, tee shirts, posters & God knows what else, we as a group of young music fans turned off the Zeppelin for waht we thought would be forever. I sure didn't think of it Sean but the song could fit that scenario. To the girl who was mentioning the 'altered' pronunciation Plant used on the lines in question. To sum up the song, the lady finds that she cannot be truly happy, and cannot enter heaven. The holy books of the world tell us these same things. John Bonham one of the world's best drummers isn't sadistic either. This song was written over 30 years ago. And the lady of the song knows this too - is the "sign" she is seeing telling her one thing or something completely different, is she interpreting the "signs", the subtle divine guidance, correctly? I heartily agree, "Stairway" is a CLASSIC!!! It's similar to the intro on Stairway to Heaven. No. Thank you very much. Occult means the culture of light. LUCKY me! I was sitting in the 3rd balcony. Now add all those numbers up. Current radio news for free updated several times a week. Also provides about where current and former " LA Radio People" are, and publishes a book with classic The meaning of the occult has been lost to most people, as has the word origin / the true vibration of many words. Now here is the stretch, Zepplelin were not innocents, by that I mean they probably partied a bit. Closed stores will be open for her. I kinda agree with Mick from Las Vegas, pretty damn close to right. Take this verse, "There's a feeling I get when I look to the west and my spirit is crying for leaving". My point. EVERY song will probably have some weird word or sentence sound like it shouldn't be there! This song has been in debate for the next PS3 game Guitar Hero III: Legends Of Rock. Which is why I don't get why people think it's "satanic" "There was a tool shed where he mad us suffer, sad satan" Does that really sound like they are saying worship the devil? I think Stairway to Heaven is one of the best songs ever, when I heard about the backward messages, I decided to listen to it without being influenced by any lyrics, I did. Oh, here is to my sweet Satan. To all those who say this song has satanic back masking just shut up and listen to the song! This WAS released as a single in Australia. Don't read it like ph=pu huh, but like ph=fuh. Is Kent from Norh carolina' essay on the comment page. As I stated many times, people who are concentrated of the consequence and NOT on the reason, are doomed to degradation, not-understanding, ignorance or "TAMAs"(sanskrit)! Quality Internet Radio - RadioTunes features a wide variety of free streaming radio channels. 80s Rock Hits Your favorite rock hits from the 80s. Her white villa and the surrounding garden, vibrant with bougainvilleas and exotic vegetation, are filled with charm. Record yourselves talking, play it backwards and let your peyote-induced thoughts hear what you want to hear. See, I've done it myself with 2 computers and their music, and let me tell ya, as scary as it is, it's true. I found that Rita had said, "Mark is gay" on the reversed.. Ritchie Yorke, a personal friend of the band, wrote about this spiritual rebirth in his book, ? The song seems to have multiple meanings though and change through out the song. They discuss how to put parts of stairway together.. Then they went crazy. Editor's note: The first time they played it was Belfast. Why is 666 so important??? Sounds vaguely like Galadriel from "The Fellowship of The Ring". Also, the picture of the lady climbing towards the top of the hill towards a man is interesting. It's meaning and symbolism comes from the Celtic culture; I only make this comment for you to take with an open mind. Ooh, ooh, and she's buying a stairway to heaven. Maybe they really just didn't hear them or you are imagining them. Think of your subliminal message, then record it and play it backwards. My english teacher trys talking backwards all the time, and he's a pastor at a local church (Not a satanic one either.) I've listened to it backwards, and while, theoretically you can hear satanic messages, they are garbled. Only to find out that heaven on earth or the millennial reign of the Messiah will not allow her to purchase her way out, all the stores are closed for her. Robert Plant today tours with his Band of Joy and I will let you know that He sings a song called "Satan Your Kingdom Must Come Down!" also he performs songs in his live show that are out of the Psalms. Sounds dumb right? It sounds more dubbed in than an actual backwards sound of the forward lyric, but I have no idea. If you like it then I wish you well on your spiritual journey. I love this song and is my favorite Zep song ever. But the origin of the word "occult" means the "cult / culture" of "oc / ak". It sure beat CARCASSI'S CLASSICAL GUITAR METHOD. I have TSRTS on vynal "IT IS LIVE" i spun that backwards with my finger and it said the satanic message. The still do, wich is really freakin stupid. That's a good boy and put your keyboard away. I love sth!!! That is only one reason why it is such a great song besides all the instrumental. Where what you say, played in reverse, sounds like something else. Once we had the correct speed we heard clear as day exactly what we were told we were going to here,(sic) My sweet Satan, etc etc. Plant isn't wanting to leave America for materialism, seriously. The STAR OF DAVID! If you people care about satanic messages, it would really surprise any Americans to know that 10 percent of your population is atheist and shock rocker and satanist minister Marilyn Manson is AMERICAN!!!!!! Totally overplayed but Stairway never gets old! Hammer of the Gods? Yes, there are backwards lyrics, but they're not about satan. Yes, there are always two paths you can go by, but there is time still to change from the bad one you may be on. I had a friend who died in a car wreck, and it really caught me off gaurd that this was played by a friend on his guitar at the burial. Yes, there are two paths you can go by-But in the long run-There's still time to change the road you're on. In an interview with Led Zepplin, a couple of them stated that Stairway to Heaven was NOT a negative song and that most people get bogged down with the first few lines. If you change the font to 'Dingbats', it will now read 'Boobless in the toolshed'. It's not about money, they already control that. Satan gave Eve the apple, which has been associated with reason and knowledge (i.e. Now for this song itself, being a HUGE Led Zeppelin fan, i can tell you that this is definantly one of the greatest rock songs of all time, however, it is not Led Zeppelin's greatest song, nor is it THE greatest song of all time. If you feel like rocking you will listen to some zeppelin or some metallica to get you in that mood. Can someone write my paper for me 30 See The Beatles and Sargent Pepper's Album cover at These bands are just trying to get a rise outta ya! I'm sorry but that one comment made you sound a bit snobbish. Any song backwards sounds like a couple random words. Being a teenager when this was releasd was an honor and most teens today have no idea what it was like back then. But just because Satan influenced them to make this song doesn't make LZ or Stairway evil per se. WOW! This song is AMAZING. It would be sad if it wasn't so funny. Vaguely antimaterialistic I guess you could say. Listening to the Great White version now. Take any cover version of Stairway, in fact grab the least likley two versions tp contain Satanic messages, Tiny Tim & Dolly Parton's versions, & play them backwards at the exact same spots you think you can hear t& whata ya hear the same freaking thing! Does it have a depper meaning? Amazing song..pretty fun to play on guitar as well...can't get the solo down yet. Inside the mix, you will catch that unmistakable sound of something being played backward that everyone has heard before in some context. Jimmy Page is a not santanist. Ask yourself if the Mona Lisa is not stil interpreted differently by every person who views her 500+ years later. It was on purpose, how IN ALL WAYS COULD SOME1 SAY 5 SENTENCES IN A ROW ABOUT THE SAME TOPIC, ON ACCIDENT?? I belive he felt insolted when they accused him to be satanist. AOL Radio is powered by humans! Pick any station in any of the 30 genres AOL Radio DJs have programmed for you and The best party hits from the '80s, '90s and I don't think they are exact but its as close as it can be.. And we, the ever faithful (to Music and the freedom to make it any way you damn well please - NOT to Satan, mind you) try to battle these legions of idiot know-it-alls who base their entire opinion on *maybe* hearing the song once (but minus the attention span to listen to over 30 seconds) that Flash tool to play Stairway forward and backward (with handy lyrics before your eyes to influence what you ultimately hear) And the randomly absorbed, fuzzy remembrances of those "Hey, guess what I heard?!" drinking stories of years past. And no members of Led Zeppelin were Satanists. I lost a lot of respect for Led Zeppelin of the last five years after finding out that so many of their songs are a rip off of blues from the south. I ran a program called Audacity and was able to backmask that part of the song and the words i found were very clear. I suppose he inspired by "Twelve Lays of a Gypsy" wrote by Kostes Palamas, a greek poet. No one, not even plant, could do oit on the spot, staring into a fire. Post thoughts Thanks. I love You Zeppelin. I think it is totaly cool that Rob or any artist gives feedback about any of there songs that have a fanbase. The year is 1970. That's how good this song is.. American-only? Solo is tricky but i'll get there. OUR job as fans to interpret them how we want. I got chills seeing the pre-9/11 Twin Towers/World Trade Center in the film just before Stairway To Heaven is performed. It is a known fact that Rush, who received much of their musical inspiration from Led Zeppelin, feature a Pentagram, or Satanic symbol, on some of their album covers. But what I think it's interesting, that many european people enjoy (can I put this word?) the occultism and it's like a taboo etc. The lyrics to this song have always inspired me, since my cousin tried to teach me to play it on guitar when I was 10 (Is there anyone who doesn't know how to play this?). People just like to find ways to complain about everything. The entire song is just buildup after buildup with Plant's cryptic lyrics and Jones' orchestra, and each verse a little something new is added. My point is that if you record anything for an amount of time, you will find "hidden messages". First, let's look at the concepts that run through the song. I firmly believe that love is more powerful than hatred. This has been my favorite since the '70's, it's in my yearbook of '74 as such and still heads the top of my list! There's still time to change for the good. Write my paper for money 70 money magazine

Not because he believed it was the cause of the misfortune, but merely because after so many tragedies, better not to push their luck any more than they had to. With stars to fill my dream. Led Zeppelin is one of the best bands ever. You're free to disagree with me, and believe what ever you want; you have your own opinion. Upon him that overcometh I will write upon him a "new name". The tool shed is a depiction of them being forged by the master's hand that allowed Satan to bring suffering to them and the child. But he chose those words because he knew they would make a special message, somehow. But, oh, I was the shaggy fool. Ok, ok, OK!!! Interesting comment from Mike from MA and one of the reasons a lot of people don't get what Zeppelin was about. However, my theory (and it is only a theory) stems from the fact that Robet Plant grew up in, and has always lived in, the same part of England - namely the Worcestershire /Warwickshire region south of Birmingham - a fact confirmed by the landlord of one of his local pubs only 2 days ago. What you don't know can hurt. It just depends. Maybe that's a chink in Led Zep armor that occultists find to abuse Led Zep's work. There are a lot of them in England. When i was younger it took me forever to figure out how he played Kashmir. Who knows if it's deliberate or not? I don't think it matters whether or not it has Satanic subliminal messages in it. Many had never had access to such (then) state-of-the-art recording gear. Just a coincidence. Write my paper for cheap business cards Zeppelin was a fusion of blues, English traditional folk, funk, some country and then.. This world has seldom seen. They even tried to claim the credit for writing them. There is an irony to this song, the title "Stairway to Heaven" then the hidden satanio messages. The Song remains the same version, also live, is so much better even from a production standpoint but it is nice to hear different versions. Jimmy Page, if I'm not mistaken, admitted that when he got on-stage that there was a demonic force controlling and pushing him. Even so, this song is a piece of musical genious. Jimmy Page's guitar still gives me goose bumps when I hear it. And it makes me wonder. And the lyrics, "yes there are two paths you can go by(Heaven or Heck)but in the long run you can change the road you're on"(you can change your sinful ways) The "piper" in the song is probaly an angel. Page was so taken with Alleister Crowley he bought his home! I love stairway To Heaven - and I tend to see it as a positive and bright song rather than a negative one.

Write my paper cheap 8 x10 contemporary area rugs May Satan rule all. Why is it that it is only on the studio recorded version? Stairway to Heaven? We will recognize the tune, like the flock will recognize the voice of the devine shepard. Tom from East Lyme your out of your mind.. Cause you know sometimes words have two meanings. Babe I'm going to Leave You and Over the Hills and Far Away were masterful hints as to the band's direction, which led to Stairway. Frankly, I don't think they're there, and I think people who do are pretty crazy to say the least. To this day, my mother still swears this song is about the death of Janis Joplin. And she's buying a stairway to heaven." - Now she's either buying AIDS cream from the pharmacy along with painkillers or she died, went to Hell and is trying to buy her way out of it. Anywhere in the world, when someone knows two guitar chords, what is he going to play? So to all you people out there who are too fixated on Religious conspiracys and trying to destroy everything that true rockers hold dear, get a life, and follow God like God wants to be followed, through love, not hate and conspiracy theorys. Jimmy page's ties with the occult will prove that led zepplin is not at all as innocent as some would like to believe. In those days we didn't angst so much about "hidden meanings" all the time, I don't think. Ok question tht has been on my mind forever---in many classic rock songs they speak of a green see for example they say as we sailed to the green sea in yellow submarine and in paint it black he talks about it also... Here is one of them that occurs right at the very end of the song when Plant sings "And She's Buying a Stairway, To Heaven" It says: "Play backwards. Also, it must be played at a high frequency and speed to even REGISTER in your brain. Just a coincidence -- not hardly! Skid Row do an excellent version of this, listening to the Great White version now. Also in the Simpsons, the scene when Bart is hit by Mr Burns's car and goes to hell, when the devil sends him back to earth he reminds Bart to "cheat, steal and listen to heavy metal music". Why else would the greatest Christian Allegory be expressed through the greatest song from the greatest band ever? Upon further investigation of the "backmasking" thing, I heard the words "Here's to my sweet Satan. The went online and listened to it on websites that have a edited version of it. Isn't the may queen a term he used in one of his poems? Then, took up smoking cigs. When someone speaks that they speak one way and think the other, as in a forked toungue. This song is so awesome! The fodder i have seen over the years regarding people's opinions of Stairway, Zep, and backwards messages have led me to believe that Many will take the chip as planned. Lucifer will lead them to Absolute Truth. This has got to be one of the most ordinary songs of all time and im not surprised the genius that is Led Zepplin h8 the song to. How did Mary give birth to the Creator of the universe? This song is one of the best of LED ZEPPELIN. People are going to beleive the message exists, if someone tells them to look for it, and if that person tells them what it's supposed to say. It's coincidence. This is the best song from the classic rock era. Its a great song written by great musicians, period! Definately, satanic message or no, the song was made to cause some hype about history's greatest rock band. At least I think the live version is on "The How The West Was Won" DVD. He could not watch her slowly kill herself. It also talkes about the way the girl feels when she is on drugs, (theres a feeling I get when I look to the west, and my spirit is crying for makes me wonder). This is one of the definitive classic rock songs (along with "Free Bird" and "Layla.") Just enjoy it on it's own merits, and stop trying to turn it into something it's not. They're a great band. Who cares if its about satin, god, drugs, gays, WHATEVER! Buy an essay cheap 3d archery targets

Just convert the song to wav, use windows sound recorder and clip that verse of the song. You have two paths. There's a lady who's sure all that glitters is gold and she's buying a stairway to heaven. The stairs resume like a spiral staircase, all that glitters is gold. I read somehere that 'May Queen' was the brand name of Robert Plant's washer + drier set. Most of the lyrics are really just vague lines that go together well. This song has far more depth than any song I could possibly heard. The same rule applies for Stairway to Heaven, had we not been told what o listen for, we would not have heard the so called backward Satanic messages. Lets try & settle this Satanic crap once & for all. I have always loved Fire on High because they make fun of all you idiots. A bustling in the Old Forest would be alarming if caused by anything but the master, Tom Bombadil. Guys, perhaps you didnt read what I said. I'd like to record an album, just to put some backward message in it. And listening to Led Zeppelin got me into playing the guitar too because they were the first and the best rock band i had ever listened to and they still are the best. Heaven is blocked from lucifer/but with lies or words or wind/lucfer can decive) There's a sign on the wall but she wants to be sure 'cause you know sometimes words have two meanings. Ok basically.. They may not even think of the culture of light as going by that word "occult" but if people truly desire and intend to get to the truth of life and this world and beyond, then such will over time be revealed to them. I don't think any artist today could've done something like this. Need motivation write my paper village invitations There is obviously a message in there. Too many people make copies of it but whatever. Looking at this from a Christian point of view, the line "yes there are two paths you can go on, but, in the long run, there's still time to change the road you're on" is a refference to the fact that it is never too late to repent. TO one person they may see the devil inuendos and to another there is none. I dunno you guys, but I always found the lyrics strangely similar to Like a Rolling Stone from dylan. He looks pretty harmless now doesn't he at age 62. This trend could also be seen in other classic rock songs such as the Doors' Break on Through or the Eagles' Hotel California. Various - Neither Robert Plant *nor* Jimmy Page were Satanic priests. Who cares if the backmasking is intentional or not? You get bored. Stairway to Heaven is the one of the best songs ever written by the best band ever. I just looked this up as I am curious of how many people really love it. Agian the bad grammer "he'll give you give you 666" could be because it was not intentional or that it was hard to find something to say it straight and make sence. Okay one more quick comment. This song is ok but if you want to hear a great rock song listen to Ramble Tamble by CCR. If you play this song backwards, you get a sweet recipe for fried chicken. Unique and compelling lyrics and not a cookie cutter song. Specialty Stations; Listen By Location. Arizona; California; Connecticut; Florida; Georgia; Illinois; Get Daily Updates from Share What's Playing on One, Track A is played forward while Track B is played backward, and recorded that way onto a new track, (Track C) which is a mix of forward-playing Track A and backward-playing Track B. What got me though is how clear the message sounds, and when Robert Plant sings 'cause you know sometimes words have two meanings' is kind of a hint. The writing is on the wall/prophecy/lucifer impersonates God/meaning of God in your minds eyes/also two meanings for words appears later) In a tree by the brook, there's a songbird who sings, Sometimes all of our thoughts are misgiven. It's not a piece of the performer's ego laced with Native American or Buddhist or whatever motifs, as so many songs by Jim Morrison and others were. I am even considering become a pastor when I get older. They truly put out memorable music that changed an entire generation of musicians and song writers as they were the Pied Pipers who led many a young soul to the beautiful side of the occult and paganism. Ha, yeah. For the last few days I've been completely engrosed in these backmasking things. Beginning with Crowley.. Backward masking is not a tool of the devil. I didn't know about the story of the message, until I registered here. Of course not. What are your interpretations on what this song is about! Margie - St. Stairway.. wrote 90% the first time? Just listen to the damn song and enjoy it's brilliance, don't ponder about what it means if you play your record backwards. IT'S A PEICE OF SH*T!!!!! The song is called stairway to heaven. Who am I to judge my Bro. So the backwards song of god is the song of Satan. Both are ridiculous. Just take the song for what it is, forwards, or backwards. And no wimps can do. You can only hear the "message" if you look at the lyrics first me and all of my friends did it and we could only hear it after we looked at the lyrics. But if it were a message, I'd say the point is that destiny can be backwards/forwards (hence the 'messages'), negative/positive, dark/light, hell/heaven, etc. The great "Stairway To Heaven" debate is getting very very old and boring. Anyway, for all the people who think "What the HELL?" It's apparently about a girl that sould her soul to the devil to go to heaven which makea NO sense (sorry for spelling, I nkow I porbably spelled sense worng) to me at all. Good People Regarding The Devil in Music:"Backwards Masking" is a Technical way to add subliminal, as in the case of ELO, "messages" into music tracks. The 60's and 70's were the liberation that allowed music to flourish and become the medium of youth expression that it is today. You will only ever hear what you want to hear. You'll know why.. I'm not going to re-post anything I've already posted, but IF you have done any research on the subject, I don't think you would be so quick to judge. And im a drummer, and John Bonham is FRICKEN AWESOME! Write my paper reviews 800 heights senior living
If I think about the Who or the Beatles singing this, it's pretty funny. If you're given a sample of meaningless sound, you listen to it and cannot define anything special about it, that's what it is! The experiment last for two weeks and then the station started to mix in other classic rock tunes*.. And who wouldn't take the chance to record at Headley Grange? I haven't listened to "Stairway" backwards, but I don't think they were put there intensionally. Now, this might just be coincidence, the sounds are random and varying in pitch, and it likely is. Normally he would make 3 and pick the best. Bonham and Jones were also not into satanism. But to keep the song in rhythm etc. Zeppelin did not properly credit writers of their songs. AOL Radio is powered by humans! Stations; My Music. My Music; Search. Login. 200+ stations crafted with love AOL Anyway, locals have called Hatton locks the Stiarway to Heaven for a long time, so I assume Robert Plant would be familiar with the place. Most likely as the apokolypcia rolls in, Satan will make many believe the child or younger is Satan and that he is the Christ. Think of it, they make perfect sense regardless of which one you choose. In my opinion, (I know, I know), he is the sloppiest guitar player in Rock and Roll history. Sometimes all of our thoughts are misgiven. Don't want to write my paper mart Ask my wife why the Coat of Hammurabi meant as much as Michelangelo's slaves did to me. This is nothing but a coincidence. Over half the things they talk about include the devil and hell. Hey Bryant that's awesome that you're going to see Robert plant. Tha ranges from a devil worshipping chant, till a hymn praising the Judeo-christian God, and it can go much further. And as you grow older you will realize that just being yourself is what truly matters and to be strong and not "roll" along with what everyone tells you, (and if you listen very hard, the tune will come to you at last, where all are one and one is be a rock and not to roll). But that is my opinion and I am not trying to force my ideas on anyone, i just thought i would throw that out as a theory for everyone to ponder for a while. Well thats what people are doing to this song. I like Zep until I heard thier third album, they sold out to pop and ballads. This this the cult to Lord Shiva(Shua) and his eternal consort-maya(skakti)- "Hexagram", "M-RAj swastika", "iAn-in", etc. I think it has a good message to it also. The musical background is beautiful with the sound of the guitar and the other instruments. My freind told a bunch of us that he could see swastika if he looked at a staticy screen. They have the bodily concept of man, god and existence itself. Who owns this earth built below?

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